Просмотр полной версии : http://tervistro.net/

10.03.2014, 16:04

Онлайн на гв 600+ много бургов, много русскоговорящих. Не лагает, все довольно сбалансировано.
Прикольная фишка БГ с рандом тимами и регистрацией по всему миру, а за бг беджи покупается не тока шмот, но и расходка на гв, можно постоянно меситься. Мне нра :)

Server Info

Episode 13.2 without 3rd Jobs
Pre-Renewal, 99/70

Weekdays Rates:
Exp Rates: Base 25х / Job 25х / Quest х10
Drop Rates: Normal 10х / Card 10x / MvP 1.5x
MvP/Boss: Drop Rates 1.5х / Card Drop Rates 1.5х

Weekends Rates:
Exp Rates: Base 30х / Job 30х / Quest х15
Drop Rates: Normal 15х / Card 15x / MvP 2x
MvP/Boss: Drop Rates 2х / Card Drop Rates 2x

Minimum delay between active skills: 0.2s (5 per second)
Emulator: eAmod (based on eAthena)
Protected by Adelays
Server time zone: UTC/GMT +02:00 (EET) Estonia

Server Features

BG Conquest (WoE SE emulation) with auto-registation
BG/WoE/PvM consumption for a single type of badges
Ability to transfer BG badges
Speedhacks & Nodelay Protection
Balanced donate items, No Premium Accounts
Unique pallete for clothes and hairstyles
Guild locations
Restock NPC + @restock
Show party buff (@spb)
Various NPCs in Each City
Extended statistics
Regular Events
Trading Location
Web Vending DataBase
Active and Professional Staff

Allowed to use

Any quantity of windows (On BG only one)
Light effect & Grayworld GRF
Spam clickers (in active window only)
Autopots (in active window only) RoMedic and etc

Prohibited to use

Bots and Visual bots
Timer auto clickers and macros (autofeed/autowing/anti-afk)
Other auto clickers and macros (autohide and etc)
Other cheat programs, macros, bugs, errors

Hosting information

Stable Europe dedicated hosting in Germany
24/7, uptime 99%
Configuration: i7-920, 48 Gb RAM, 2 x 2Tb SATA3 (RAID 1) Enterprise
200 mbit/sec
Linux Debian 7
DDoS Protected
For ping/trace: ping srv.tervistro.net, tracert srv.tervistro.net

Other information

No guildpacks
BG: Conquest only
No renewal mechanics and 3rd jobs
Homunculus autoloot doesn't work anymore
Disabled autocast Earth Spike when using Elemental Sword for Assassin Cross
Soul Link increases Sonic Blow on non WoE locations by 50% (standard 100%)
+2000 HP bonus for Super Novice class is given on 90 level (standard 99lvl)
eAmod fix
// Reflecting Damage settings
// 1 = The reflected damage is limited to the Max HP of the protected character. Paladin for example.
// This is a exploid fixed on official servers at beining of 2010. Prevents the abuse of killing MVPs with Reflect Shield and BG equipment to increase returned damage.
// 2 = Reflected damage ignores devotion. That's the official way but some servers just want the previous style.
// A champion protected with Devotion from a Paladin, hits another Paladin with Asura. With this setting, the reflected damage will be received by the Champion, without it the Paladin will receive it.
reflect_damage_fix: 2

// Does change weapon to a bow type stops Dancing in Bards/Gypsys?// YES is the official setting, but It just got solved on eAthena in May, 2011.
dancing_weaponchange_fix: yes

NPC Information

Free Job master + Platinum skills
Free Healer + Buff
Free Warper
Reset skills and stats (not for free)
Quest hats
Kafra Shop
Free Stylist
TCG Girl (zeny analogue) 1TCG = 100kk
Coins Girl (cash points analogue for trade/transfer) 1 gold coin = 100 cash points
Rent guild location
PvP Arena
Ninja, Archer, Gunslinger shops

Currency, which is used on the server:

а. Zeny
This is the standard currency.
Maximum amount of Zeny on the character: (1kkk)
b. TCG
This currency is used instead of a banker.
Since the limit on one character 1kkk, it makes sense to transfer your Zeny to TCG.
You can exchange Zeny to TCG and back can be a NPC TCG Girl
1 TCG = 100kk Zeny
c. Cash Points
This currency is used to purchase items in the NPC Kafra Shop.
Get it possible by donations or buy/trade from players.
For sale or transfer of the currency is exchanged to Coins!
1 USD = 30 Cash Points
d. Steel Coin, Bronze Coin, Silver Coin, Gold Coin
This currency is used to transfer Cash Points (NPC Coins Girl)
You have the right to sell these items to players for Zeny, or change to other game items.
1 Steel Coin = 5 Cash Points
1 Bronze Coin = 10 Cash Points
1 Silver Coin = 50 Cash Points
1 Gold Coin = 100 Cash Points
e. Battle Badge
This currency can be obtained by playing on the BattleGrounds.
Exchanged for valuable items can be from NPC Erundek and NPC Telma
(NPC Battlegrounds -> Warp to Battle Room).
You can buy/sell/trade a given currency other players.

10.03.2014, 17:22
все бы ничего, но рейты...

10.03.2014, 19:15
Зато кое-что можно взять у них. Тот же бг-симулятор-гв — очень неплохой вариант, как мне кажется.
Сейчас времени нет, но вечерком прочту полный список.

Ну и рейты на выходных… Я бы на их месте делал 50х, а не 30х. Иначе отличие от будних дней не большое выходит.

10.03.2014, 19:55
не ребят
это херня
я играл
раз уж делать такой упор в гв и тому подобное рейты повысить хотя бы для прокачки xD мне лень было качаться и я не пошёл :D

10.03.2014, 20:05
ну за их симуляторы я не вкурсе. Но по мне 20х это уже пиз*ц. На люми 15 или 20х, я уже точно не проню но механика даже с 3-ми профами как пре реневал! Дык я создавал приста(ту) потом (ме) хп и 3-профу тоже (ме ). В общем кач с моего старта, новиса и до 99-й, 3-й профы занел 2-а дня. Нормального онлайна. И потом за 1-2 часа мог любого выкачать с 89 до 99. За 2-е(с копейками) недели игры на люми я выкачал все профы до лампы 3-й профы и серв мне резко надоел. Заходил потом изредко сходить в башню или по абрить(когда звали) и смысл от таких рейтов я не увидел! По мне либо 1х либо 500+х (для тестов если тебя не устраивает калькулятор)